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Columbus East HS Boys, 1967, 1968, & 1969 Teams

Class of 2007


Columbus East HS Boys, ’67-’69

Columbus East in the seasons of 1966-67, 1967-68 and 1968-69 had an outstanding record of 70-1. They won State Championships in 1968 and 1969 and were runner up in 1967. All five starters from their state championship teams attended Division I colleges.

Columbus East HS Boys, 1966-67
Columbus East HS Boys, 1966-67

Front Row (L to R) Daryl Green, Manager; Ken Turner, Randy Bias, Vance Carr, Howard Harris, Ray King, Frank Tucker, Reginald Ivory, Manager.
Back Row – Daryl Lynch, Manager; Bob Hart, Head Coach; Eddie Ratleff, Alonzo “Nick” Connor, Randy Smith, Mel Fowlkes, Harry Hairson, Bob Chapman, Manager.

Columbus East HS Boys, 1967-68
Columbus East HS Boys, 1967-68

Front Row (L to R): Joe Leatherbury, Manager; Ronnie Tucker, Mike Peters, Larry Walker, Daryl Lynch, Manager.
Middle Row – Wilson Lane, Manager; Grady Smith, Roy Hickman, Howard Harris, Garnett Davis, Randy Bias, Robert Chapman, Manager.
Back Row – Paul Pennell, Assistant Coach; Eddie Ratleff, Alonzo “Nick” Connor, Randy Smith, Kevin Smith, Bob Hart, Head Coach.

Columbus East HS Boys, 1968-69
Columbus East HS Boys, 1968-69

Front Row (L to R) Paul Pennell, asst coach; Ed Ratleff, Dwight Lamar, Larry Walker, Roy Hickman, Alonzo “Nick” Conner, Bob Hart, Head Coach; H. Wannemacher, Director of Athletics.
Back Row – David Reid, manager; Billy Williamson, Ken Mizelle; Larry Mann, Mike Owens, Kevin Smith, Robert Wright, Hal Thomas, Grady Smith, Philip Ware.