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Advertising Reservations

Ceremony Program

2022 Induction Ceremony

Ceremony Advertising

Induction Ceremony Advertising Reservation

Congratulate an incoming inductee or promote your organization to nearly 600 basketball coaches, players, contributors and fans at the Ceremony.  The commemorative program is regarded as a keepsake by attendees and inductees.

Ad Size Price Dimensions Complimentary Tickets
Full $1,000 10.5” w x 8" h 2 tickets
Half-page $500 5.125” w x 8” h 1 ticket
Quarter-page $250 3.875” w x 5.125” h
Tribute $100 2" h x 4" w
Patron $50 List your name and a brief message
Contact Information
Ad Selection & Payment
Ad size
Please select your ad size:
Please indicate with inductee, team or individual your ad will honor.
Payment Option
Credit Card Information
Your total payment will be
Your credit balance will cover
Your credit card will be charged
Your bank account will be charged
You may upload your ad here: (PDF)
No file selected
Artwork is due by March 25, 2022.